February 20, 2025

How to Brush your Rottweilers Teeth

Blue and white toothbrush and Enzymatic dog toothpaste

Why You should Brush Your Rottweilers teeth

Canine dental care is often overlooked by many dog owners, me included. Having a regular tooth brushing regiment in the early stages of your puppies life is most beneficial. Because periodontal disease is hidden below your dogs gums, it will not be apparent until the disease has advanced.

There are four stages of periodontal disease, however, the stages are not as important as knowing the signs of the disease. Some obvious clues are olfactory or visual. Some symptoms are:

  • Red gums
  • Bleeding gums when eating or when brushing your dogs teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Pus coming from around teeth 
  • Gum recession

Some other signs of periodontal disease are bad breath, or a change in your dogs behavior. Is your dog refusing to allow you to brush his/her teeth? Does your dog have a lack of interest in a favorite toy? Is your dog more withdrawn than usual, or displaying aggressive behavior? Does your dog protest when you attempt to inspect his/her teeth by pulling away? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is probably a good time to seek the care of a veterinarian.

Periodontal disease is only reversible in stage 1 (gingivitis stage), and that is only if your Rottweiler’s teeth have no attachment loss. Once your Rottweilers teeth fall in the advanced stages of periodontal disease, the damage has been done. Preventing periodontal disease is ultimately the reason you should brush your Rottweilers teeth.

Periodontal disease is just the beginning of health problems for your Rotti if left untreated. Your dog will become increasingly prone to other health complications such as:

  • Nasal problems
  • Eye infections
  • Oral cancers
  • Organ damage

When You Should Brush Your Rottweilers Teeth 

Because dogs are creatures of habit, a good time to begin a tooth brushing regiment is when your Rottweiler has his/her first set of teeth. The teeth brushing process will be much easier at the puppy stage. Your dogs teeth should be brushed daily, with a minimum of at least three days. 

The best way to convince your puppy, or older dog to accept the toothbrush is to make it a pleasurable and positive experience just as you would with any type of dog training. 

The earlier you begin teaching your dog to accept the tooth brush, the better. But do not worry, old dogs can learn to accept the tooth brush also, but it might require a little more effort. I did not start brushing my Rottweilers teeth until he was four years old. He did not resist as much as I had first imagined. Hint, maybe it was the flavored toothpaste.

But keep in mind, all Rottweilers are not created equally. Your Rotti might be more difficult if an older dog.

Ways to Teach Your Rottweiler to accept the Toothbrush

The best way to teach your puppy the tooth brushing concept is when your puppy is young as stated above. I used the coercion technique, by simple letting my Rottweiler smell, and then taste the toothpaste. Once the introduction was over, the brushing began.

  • Find a comfortable area that your dogs likes, and have him/her lie down on one side
  • place one hand near your dogs mouth while holding either upper lip, or lower lip to expose the upper row of teeth (repeat for lower row)
  • Begin brushing your Rotti’s teeth as you would your own teeth
  • When one side of your dogs teeth are finished, have your dog lay on his/her other side and repeat

This is the method I used to introduce my dog to the toothbrush. There are other methods that can also be used to brush your Rottweilers teeth. If you have a really close bond with your Rotti, then my method might work for you, or it might not. The best method will be the method you select, and feel comfortable with.

Selecting the Correct Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Although it might seem like a good idea to use human toothpaste, dont! Toothpaste used for human consumption will cause your Rotti to become ill, and could possible cause death. Various brands of toothpaste contain toxic levels of sodium, and others contain xylitol. Xylitol is toxic for dogs. It is also imperative to have the correct toothbrush. 

If you choose to use a toothbrush purchased for human use, select a toothbrush with the softest bristles. Toothbrushes with the softest bristles are baby toothbrushes. However, toothbrushes specifically made for dogs are easier to use. Dog toothbrushes have triple heads. The triple head toothbrush covers the top and sides of your dogs teeth.

There are several brands of toothpaste that can be purchased at your local veterinarian, pet store, or online. Various brands on the market contain different flavors such as beef, banana, and poultry. Rewarding your Rottweiler with a flavored toothpaste may make it easier to execute.

 When brushing your dogs teeth you should wear disposable gloves, and thoroughly wash your hands when done.  Research has found that dogs carry more than 600 different types of bacteria in their mouths. Some bacteria, in rare cases can be transmitted from dog to handler.

Other Ways to Keep Your Rottweilers Teeth Clean

Brushing your Rottweilers teeth is the primary way to keep your dogs teeth clean. A secodary way is through a diet that includes bones. This diet is known as a “Raw Meaty Bone”(RMB), or “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food”(BARF) diet. Raw diets consist of raw meat and bones. 

Raw bones are a natural teeth cleaner for dogs when consumed on a regular basis. Recreational bone chewing is also beneficial for teeth cleaning. However, in my experience  giving your Rottweiler the larger smoked bones such as knuckle bones, will result in lower/uppper tooth erosion over time. Rottweilers are aggressive chewers, so do your Rotti a favor by staying away from this type of bone. Larger raw bones are softer and safer in the long run for your Rottweiler teeth.

Other pet products on the market are treats that promote teeth cleaning. These products of course are not all created equal. Some have ingredients that are not diet healthy, and some are not safe for your dog to ingest. There are even products such as dental wipes to keep your Rotti’s teeth clean. 

Final Thoughts on Dental Care

Over 80% of the canine population over the age of three suffers from dental disease. Practicing regular dental hygiene for your Rottweiler is crucial for health and longevity. If you have an older dog that is within stages two-four, seek the advice of your veterinarian.

If you have a puppy Rottweiler, start a tooth cleaning regiment as soon as possible. In the long run you will save yourself from the frustration of training an older dog, not to mention the expensive bill from your veterinarian that could cost anywhere from $2,000-$3,000 dollars for dental care.

Dental expenses associated with periodontal disease can be astronomical. Having a plan in the beginning will prevent heartache in the future, and prevent life threatening diseases from ever occurring. So start dental care for your Rotti sooner than later.

” Petmd.com.” https://www.petmd.com

” vcahospitals.com.”//www.vcahospitals.com

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